Friday, August 7, 2009

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!

Today I found out that the White House posted a request for people to report any "fishy activity" to the White House so they could "keep track of the disinformation floating out there"...aka so they could control our Health Care Discussion. This is so wildly insane to me! For those of you that don't know the White House isn't allowed to collect public information like that...combine that with the fact that they are walking the tightrope of first amendment rights violation and we have some major Big Brother issues! (And I'm not talking about a reality show here!)

Click here for the article...

So I start this today with no real hopes of people reading my rants and postings but rather with the hope that I can express the frustration that I feel everyday as I watch the news, listen to the radio, read articles online etc. I want to have a place to chronicle the information that I am encountering.

If people consider me a crazy right wing conservative nut job well then, I'm doing my job. I will not let this amazing country be ruined without doing what I can to stop this rapid progression into socialism. I was never built (emotionally or physically) to be in the army, navy, marines... but that doesn't mean that I will let this country go down in flames without putting up a good fight.

I hope there is just one person out there that stumbles upon this insignificant blog and realizes that there can no longer be apathy in the American public, from our youth to our elderly and all those in between. (by the way I'm 23) This is my personal journey against the people who want to "fundamentally change" our nation...

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