Saturday, September 26, 2009

School Kids Taught to Praise Obama...But It's Not Indoctrination!

I am speechless.


NJ Principle Unapologetic for Videotape: FoxNews

The principal of a New Jersey elementary school where young students were videotaped singing the praises of President Obama is making no apologies for the videotape and says she would allow the performance again if she could, according to parents who spoke with her Thursday night.

Three parents told that Dr. Denise King, principal of B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., defended the controversial performance, which was videotaped and posted on YouTube, when they approached her during a "Back to School" event.

Parent Jim Angelillo said King told him the lesson was merely part of Black History month, and not an attempt to indoctrinate students, as critics have charged. He said he believes teachers have the freedom to express their political views, but not in the classroom.

"Freedom of speech, not freedom to teach," Angelillo told

King has long been a fan of Obama, hanging pictures of the president in her school's hallways and touting her trip to his inauguration in the school yearbook.

Included in the full-page yearbook spread were Obama campaign slogans ("Yes we can! Yes we did!") and photos King took in Washington on Jan. 20, when she attended the inauguration.

There also were photos taken at the school depicting students doing Obama-themed activities about their "hopes for the future," featuring posters of Obama. According to the yearbook, students watched the inauguration in class.

Parents said Elvira James, the teacher of the class that was videotaped, also seemed to be promoting Obama.

"She praised him, she put pictures on the walls," said Jim Pronchick, whose 8-year-old son, Jimmy, was in James' class last year. "When he won (the election) they really went off."

Leslie Gibson, who has two children at the school, said she was "shocked" at the videotape, adding that political beliefs, like religious views, should be kept at home. She also said King made a "big deal" about her attendance at the inauguration.

"Throughout the school, there were signs posted supporting Barack Obama quite a bit," Gibson told "I understand it's a historical event, but on the same token, I like politics to be left at home and I think she should follow that as well."

Attempts to reach King on Friday were unsuccessful. A recording at the school said its mailbox was full and could not accept new messages.

A search of public records revealed that King, 46, of Cinnaminson, N.J., last voted in 2004 and had not declared any political affiliation. No records of political contributions could be found.

In November, the 9,700-plus residents of Burlington, N.J., a Philadelphia suburb, voted overwhelming for Obama, who received 3,285 votes to Sen. John McCain's 1,308.

The controversy over the YouTube video extended into northwest Arkansas on Friday, as officials at the Bernice Young Elementary School in Springdale said they had been received calls from across the country and Canada from irate parents and other individuals.

Principal Debbie Flora told the Associated Press that the callers claimed the school was teaching political opinion and that some "did not use very kind language."

Glenn Beck on Video:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Obama Finally Tells Us What He Really Thinks About Health Care

Are you confused about where our President stands on health care?
Do you wonder what all these terms like nuclear option, cooperatives and single payer system mean?
Well, listen to this brief address from Obama. It might clear up some of your questions...

Chick Chat: Shunned Religion, America's Youth and the Danger of Our Entitlement

When get a fwd message I usually take a glance at it, have a good laugh if its particularly funny. Read it if its particularly interesting or discard it if its none of the above. I find that it rare to come across a forward that really makes me ponder something. When I received the message below I couldn't stop thinking about it. It is simple, and cheesy but it really made me start to wonder about the repercussions of excluding religion from so much of our society.


Dear God:

Why didn't you save the school children at...

Virginia Tech 4/16/07
Amish Country, PA 10/2/06
Columbine High School 4/20/99
El Cajon, California 3/22/01
Santee, California 3/ 5/01
Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 12/6/99
Deming, New Mexico 11/19/99
Conyers, Georgia 5/20/99
Taber, Alberta, Canada 5/28/99
Littleton, Colorado 4/20/99
Richmond, Virginia 6/15/98
Fayetteville, Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield, Oregon 5/21/98
Edinboro, Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Jonesboro, Arkansas 3/24/98
Stam P, Arkansas 12/15/97
West Paducah, Kentucky 12/1/97
Pearl, Mississippi 10/1/97
Bethel, Alaska 2/19/97
Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96

Concerned Student


Dear Concerned Student:
I am not allowed in schools.


The forward goes on to cite Madeline Murray O'Hare, Dr. Benjamin Spock, the entertainment industry and parental compliance as definte contributers to this lack of religion in schools and moral inadequacies of our youth.

I was fortunate enough to go to Christian school my whole life and had parents that were strict in the sense that I was raised not watching excessively violent, sexually promiscuous movies or similar music. But how much of my generation was raised in such an environment? The answer is not much...and I agree with the assumption that some of that violent, sexually promiscuous drug culture has resulted in atrocious and horrific deaths of Americans.

I am one of the thousands of people in this country that has been directly affected by one of those deaths. When I was a mere freshmen in college I ran in the same circles as a young man who we lost at the Virginia Tech tragedy.

I refuse to believe that this was a single incident (proof we also see in the list above that) by one deranged young man. Would all these young people who commit these crimes have acted in such manners if they had had different influences in life? This we'll never know! But what we do know it that violence in schools has become significantly more prevalent in the past couple decades. After God was banned from our conversations and after children were being raised in these "no-discipline-kum-bay-yah-everything-is-yours" households.

I've mentioned before my generation's sense of entitlement and I think this fits right into the picture. We've always been entitled to watch what we want, listen to what we want, play with what we want. own what we want, and in general get anything and everything we want. Everything from the new version of Halo to "getting rid" of those that bully us in high school.

My generation has a lot to learn...about compassion, about consequences, about love and about hate, about violence, sex, and drugs, and about right and wrong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obamopoly: The New Craze for Left-Wing Radicals

(Click on image for closer view)

My favorite part is a toss up between the Go to the Far Left and Collect Welfare or the Race Card: This card may be used repeatedly as often as needed.

Someone had way too much time on their hands and I LOVE it!


I got this in an email but I think it originated on the blog, America is an Obamanation!

It comes with these instructions:

"The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism by having the government take over everything!

Tokens include a bus, a teleprompter, a sprig of arugula and a waffle iron.

Wanna play? No??? Too bad, you're already playing... and quite frankly, in this game, nobody wins!"

Arguing with Idiots Out in Stores Tommorrow

On the eve of the release of Glenn Beck's New Book Arguing with Idiots there is a decent backlash against the popular news commentator and corruption ouster's latest libro.

I will not be posting links to those who are calling this book "a desperate move by a desperate man" or claiming "He is desperately doing everything to rebrand his challengers as idiots." But I will laugh at the pitiful attempts to turn this title around. Obviously, I have not read the book yet, but do plan on doing so asap.

I have watched and listen to enough Beck to know that he is not trying to categorize the entire left-wing-obama-supporters as idiots. From my understanding he is merely giving us the tools, proof and sources we need to defend ourselves against the on slaughter of liberal bias and those being informed by the less-than-honorable-sources. I am looking forward to reading this book!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis on FOX News Sunday

Part 1:

Part 2:

Steve Crowder Does UC Berkley: College Hippies Everywhere!

Barack Obama: In His Own Words: Sep 21st (Glenn)

Transcipt, Charts and Video


"How about the funding for ACORN?"
"Frankly its not something that I've followed closely, I didn't even know ACORN was getting a lot of federal funding."-Barack Obama

.:: Glenn::. Tonight I've decided to ask the President some questions and use the answers that hes already given because he is not giving anything new...I hear people say, he ran as a centrist and now he is not governing that way...I maintain that Obama told us absolutely everything that he was going to do and he still is, every step of the way. People just didn't listen, they only heard what they wanted to hear.

"I have not said that I was a single payer supporter because frankly, we historically, have had an employer-based system in this country with private insurers and for us to transition to a single payer system, I believe would be too disruptive."- Barack Obama

.::Me::. So he is not for a single payer system not because its
fundamentally bad, but because its too "disruptive"?

.::Glenn::. Well what I happen to know is that a few years ago Obama said this...

"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer, universal health care plan...A single payer health care plan--universal health care plan. That's what I'd like to see." - Barack Obama to the AFL-CIO in 2003

.::Video::.Portions Shown

.::Video::. Tides Center Rep talking about how a we will move towards the single payer system without being so disruptive.


Here are a couple other blog posts on the Soros-Obama Connection:
Little Green Footballs

.::Glenn::. Is it even feasible to have this number of marxist, radicals, anti-capitalist etc near him?.... Maybe the President is blind to character? Maybe the President is part of the problem? Maybe the President is in danger because no one is vetting these people? Is the FBI even showing up for work? That's for you to decide. But You won't be able to decided if the people the President grants interviews too only ask him insipid shallow questions over and over and over again...

Obama's favorite line when deflecting questions is...Bush look at that guy.
Bush had czars too!
...Yeah some people were yelling back then too and I have the archives to prove how much I was yelling at that guy. But Bush's czars didn't have the radical ideology many of these people do...
He will say that Bush started us down the path down socialism...and he would be right by that.
Bush started the crazy spending
...he'd be right again....
Bush started the bailouts...yes he did, hated him for it.

My question to President Obama would be um, I'm sorry, is this just Bush's third term? Are you continuing all of his policies?

....Anyone out there who voted for Obama should be asking themselves, jeeze did I misunderstand that President because I thought he believed in change? Or was it that he misunderstood me?

We should have seen this coming before his first day in office when he said this, "We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"-Barack Obama

.::Paraphrasing Glenn::. Obama has been compared to FDR, Kennedy, Lincoln, is that because people are afraid to just look at him? Why is no one making him talk about his mentor- Frank Marshal Davis- a radical communist? Do you still care lessons from your mentor with you? Is it reasonable to ask what part of Davis he carries around with him? No one is looking at his college years. Look at what he says about his associations in college.

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminist and punk-rock performance poets." - Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

.::Glenn::. "I hate to keep bring up the past but we have to ask. He chose his friends carefully back then, the question is does he choose his advisors closely now."

Video: Van Jones talking about Redistributing Wealth

.::Glenn::. That sounds radical to most Americans but listen to what our own President says

"The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth...The tragedies of the civil rights movement was , um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers though which you bring about redistributive change." - Obama on Chicago Public Radio, 2001

.::Paraphrasing Glenn::. Are we listeneing American?? Because he is telling us that we have dismissed the community organizers...ACORN, Tides, SEIU, Apollo etc... that can put together the coalition that can bring about change...


Barack Obama on ACORN

"How about the funding for ACORN?" George Stephanopoulos
"Frankly its not something that I've followed closely, I didn't even know ACORN was getting a lot of federal funding."-Barack Obama
"Well the Senate and the House have voted to cut it off." George Stephanopoulos
"Ya know, what I know is what I saw in that video was certainty inappropriate and deserves to be.."
-Barack Obama
"So your not committing to cutting off federal funding?" George Stephanopoulos
"George this is not the biggest issue facing the country, its not something I'm paying a lot of attention too."
-Barack Obama

"Before I even get inaugurated, were going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. Were going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations [ACORN] so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America"- Barack Obama

.::paraphrasing Glenn::. Obama also closely tied to SEIU, which ACORN founder Wade Rafky is also closely tied too...

"I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this. I didn't just suddenly discover SEIU..."-Barack Obama

.::Glenn::. Then there is Ameri-Cor, or is it Ameri-Cor. I'm not really sure what the president is describing here.

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the nation security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force thats just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."-Barack Obama

.::Glenn::. Really, why do we need that?

"Ive been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran project vote voter registration drive in Illinois, when I ran project vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciated your work." -Sam Graham-Felsen, Ran Obama's Campaign Blog


.::Glenn::. Just past week he has raised the possibility of amnesty and citizenship for the 20 million people who are already here illegally.

"If someone is here illegally they won't be covered under this plan. That's a commitment I've made. But I also want to make this clear. Even though I don't believe we can extend coverage to those that are here illegally, I don't believe that we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken.......If anything this debate underscores necessity for passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all." - Barack Obama

Obama and ACORN

Guest: John Fund, Author, Stealing Elections, The Wall Street Journal

.::Glenn::. He didnt know they were getting federal funding?
.::Fund::. It's curious because ACORN has gotten federal funding throughout his existence and he has a long hisotry of working with ACORN. He was a trainer for them in Chicago and a lawyer for them. I suspect at some point ACORN paid him, I suspect some of that was federal funds.

.::Note::. ABC was the ONLY Network
to ask President Obama about ACORN

.::Fund::. Obamas campaign spend over $800,000 with an ACORN affiliate to get out the vote. Voter registration...and the money was categorized and reported to Federal Election Commission as staging and lighting....Then they corrected themselves when they got caught by a Pittsburg paper. So the Obama campaign was not particularaly eager to have people know that they were hiring a ACORN affiliate to help with voter registration.

.::Fund::. Its strange because throughout his career he has been proud of being affiliated with ACORN....He knew everything about and now he knows nothings about ACORN makes me think something is there...All I know is that he is retrieting from ACORN faster than a speeding bullet.

.::Fund::. He just refered to the conduct as inappropriate, I think almost anyone would have used a stronger word.

.::Note::. Then attorney Barack Obama
represented ACORN in Lawsuit in 1995


Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years

Irene Vilar worries that her self-described "abortion addiction" will be misunderstood, twisted by the pro-life movement to deny women the right to choose.

Her book, "Impossible Motherhood", which will be released by Other Press on Oct. 6, chronicles her own dark choices: 15 abortions in 16 years, much of it as a married woman.

As press on the book has begun to leak out, Vilar -- a literary agent and editor --- says she has already sensed "an inkling of hatred."

Vilar has scheduled only closed-door interviews and will not do a book tour. At the urging of her husband, they have made sure all public property records do not reflect her name, so she cannot be targeted at their home.

"I am worried about my safety and the hate mail," she told in a telephone interview as her home-schooled children were at work on a painting project.

"No book like this has ever been written," she told "I just imagine the 'baby killer' and I could be a poster child for that kind of fundamentalism. And there are my little kids in all of that."

Today, at 40, the Latina author has two young children, but her troubled past continues to haunt her well into motherhood.

She grew up in the shadow of her notorious grandmother Puerto Rican nationalist Lolita Lebron, who stormed the Capitol steps with a gun in 1954. Lebron served 25 years in jail for the crime until receiving a pardon from President Carter in 1979.

Her mother committed suicide by throwing herself from a moving car when Vilar was 8 and two of her brothers were heroin addicts.

Click here to keep reading article...


She was worried about pro-life(rs) making this a big argument against abortion...well duh! I mean c'mon this is a ridiculous story! This woman used abortion as a form of contraception, regardless of what she says. 15 abortions in 16 years is not just because "opps- the condom broke" or "I forgot to take my pill today" is pure irresponsibility.

The most disconcerting part is that at the end of the article you learn that she has 2 children, 5 and 3. I have to wonder if A. this woman is sane enough to have children. She self-admittedly has problems and who knows what those girls will go through given her history. B. I want to know what these girls are going to say when they find out that they had 15 brothers or sisters. Can you imagine knowing that there were 15 that came before you?? How "lucky" you must feel to be the "chosen ones".

So yes Irene, us pro-life crazies will use this as an example against the murder that is abortion.

A woman's body is her own until she shares it with another living being.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hannity: The Valley that Hope Forgot: Video and Transcript

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Transcript For Part 1

HANNITY: And ladies and gentlemen, you are looking live at the thousands of people who have shown up here in the Central Valley of California. They want their farms back, they want their jobs back, and they want the water turned back on.

Now, tonight, you are going to hear from some of the politicians who are fighting on behalf of the citizens in this region. We will also talk to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. And we will even hear from an environmentalist who is actually defending the government's decision that are responsible for drying up this once fertile area. But first.

First we're joined by two people who have gone to great links to shine the light on this crisis. Comedian, activist, Paul Rodriguez. Radio talk show host from KMJ, KERN, Inga Barks.

Well, first of all, you, Paul, you've been in this now, in this fight, this battle that has been going on for far too long. There has been a natural drought. But they have all this water that they are sending to the ocean rather to the farms because of this little delta smelt. Can you explain what's going on?

RODRIGUEZ: Sean, I'm glad you're here because less than half a mile away from us right here there's a canal that's full to the brim of water. Come here and see that. Right next to it you see fields that are dry that should be fertile right now.

HANNITY: There is a political side to this, Paul. And by the way, we won't hold it against Paul, but you supported Barack Obama.

You know, I know in my heart that when the American farmer realize in Iowa and the other parts of America, they realize that we need help, they'll come to our aid simply because whenever our enemies get into trouble, if North Korea right now were to have an earthquake, I know that the first plane would be an American plane with aid there that would allow us to land, right?

If we would have that kind of generosity towards our enemies, what would we do for ourselves?

HANNITY: And by the way I think — wait. And I think — you are the farmers that have sustained the entire country for decades. We have generations of farmers here, Inga. And they are losing their farms. We have hundreds and hundreds of thousands of acres. We literally have — I met people earlier that now are on food lines because their farms have been shut down.

INGA BARKS, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST FOR KERN: No, that, to me, is the part that is most immoral thing about all of this. We really are in the bread basket of the world. We feed the world. Our food goes to third world countries and helps people. We are their main staples, we feed everybody here. And yet we have our own standing in food lines?


BARKS: And the food is coming in creates — crates that say products of China?


BARKS: I mean.

BARKS: It's stunning. It's stunning.

RODRIGUEZ: It's a bad comedy. It's a bad joke. You know, there is no need for. We're not asking the government for a rebate. We're not asking for a handout. We don't want to turn in our trucks, because our old trucks work just fine.


RODRIGUEZ: We want to farm.

BARKS: That's right.

RODRIGUEZ: You have to bring that up.

HANNITY: All right, but listen, I would like to put aside politics because if Barack Obama allows — tells his environmental extremists in his administration to stand down and turn the water on, he will get the first credit from me, OK? So.

RODRIGUEZ: Likewise.

HANNITY: Have you reached out to the president and.

RODRIGUEZ: We have, Sean, right behind you we have a letter that we wrote to the current administration saying we realize you came in at a time when you didn't have it all. You know we understand you came in handicapped. We're giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I still have respect for the office of the president. But behind me is a signed by every single mayor of every community here in the San Joaquin Valley. I think that should get some kind of attention.

HANNITY: Wait a minute, but he just appointed this guy that — Sunstein that is such an environmental extremist that he wants to ban hunting and he says that animals ought to have human representation in court.

RODRIGUEZ: All we want is water.

RODRIGUEZ: You know, you couldn't write this.

BARKS: No, you can't. You can't.

RODRIGUEZ: This is why I know that people who look more into the issue – say they are making that up.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're not making this up. I'm so glad you're here because the very person — you know, Senator Feinstein came here.


RODRIGUEZ: And had David Hayes, the undersecretary of.

BARKS: Interior.

RODRIGUEZ: Of the Interior.

HANNITY: The Interior — Salazar came out here.

BARKS: Salazar came.

RODRIGUEZ: Right. Came on here. And said.

HANNITY: Nothing happened.

RODRIGUEZ: Nothing happened. Look at our fields.

BARKS: And let me add, Sean, I'm sorry, President Obama never visited here when he was running and he never visited here since. He knows what's happening here. He sends his people out. He makes his promises.

HANNITY: The big issue here is...

BARKS: Would he have not have gone to Katrina the day after?

HANNITY: But this really comes down to — and I don't know if we have explained this well enough but in the course of this program we're going to get into the specifics of this. Literally, the environmentalists and the Interior Department, they have all made a decision that, for example, the water can be pumped here.


RODRIGUEZ: Through here.

HANNITY: To defend this little two inch delta smelt fish. They have decided that the farmers come second and the delta smelt comes first.

RODRIGUEZ: I, in my heart, I can't find all the reasons. In my heart I believe that maybe the president hasn't seen this. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

BARKS: You're kind.

HANNITY: How long does he get the benefit of the doubt?


RODRIGUEZ: We don't have much time. But I still hold hope that at least he would look at a document. You know? I mean, but if that doesn't happen, we have no other choice but to scream loud.

HANNITY: We've got — literally, we've got —we have the evidence of farmers now that have been providing food in some cases for generations, passed on from generation to generations.


HANNITY: They're waiting for food. How much longer do we have to wait before they turn the water on?

BARKS: In fact, ironically, environmentalists who hate development and growth, guess what farmers do with their land and they can't farm on it anymore. They sell it to people to build houses on. And it's — this is what we're doing to these people, putting them out of business, and the only way they can make money is selling their land.

RODRIGUEZ: Yes, this is where you want to live, with no water. I can't wait to buy a house. This is the San Joaquin Valley. Without a doubt, the most fertile, this is the Canaan. This is the land of Canaan. This is the most fertile valley on the planet. This valley would feed the world.

BARKS: That's all we want.

HANNITY: I have some numbers. You guys grow more — if you look at the option.

RODRIGUEZ: We're the capital of everything. The capital of cantaloupes is here.

HANNITY: Almonds, cantaloupes, artichokes, olives.

RODRIGUEZ: Keep talking!

HANNITY: Grapes, strawberries.

RODRIGUEZ: That is now the only thing that grows here is despair. We have a good crop of that.

HANNITY: All right, I want you to call — you voted for Barack Obama. Maybe.

RODRIGUEZ: You are not going to let this go away!

HANNITY: I want you to look into the camera right there. And you talk to the president you voted for, the guy that's promised hope and change. What do you say to him?

RODRIGUEZ: Mr. President, with all due respect, we pray that you will read our letter and look at our dilemma. We don't want you to give us a loan. We didn't do anything wrong. We did everything right. We grew more food than anybody else with less water. And for that, our reward was you cut the water off. Come on, what's up?

BARKS: Thank you, Sean. Thank you for doing this.

Obama Ignores the Biggest News Outlet Yet Rewards Failing Fringe Media

What an interesting Sunday!

"I will not waste time with those that made the calculations that its better to kill health reform than to improve our health care system." -Obama on Thursday

Today Obama continued to sell his Obamacare on the fringe Media Outlets...

Yet denied the biggest network of all! FoxNews, talk about not "wasting time"! I'm glad I didn't have to listen to him on my peaceful Sunday. It's not like we hear the truth from him! And I have to hear any new lies or manipulations from. Its the same ol' same ol' bulls***t

FOX NEWS Opinions Polls
Health Care Reform Legislation, Which Would you Prefer?
Current System 46%
Obama's Plan 37%


During otherwise normal viewing hours, Fox News averages 1.2 million viewers on average, more than twice as many viewers as CNN which shows an average of 598,000 viewers. As for MSNBC – Obama’s favorite TV channel – Fox’s ratings more than tripled MSNBC’s pitiful average of 392,000 viewers.

-- The Political Inquirer


Washington Examiner's Carney Rips MSNBC Host for Denigrating 9-12 March


CNN Anchor angry at Fox News AD: CNN Portrays Protesters as Crazies or Racists


MSNBC Busted for Misleading, Race-Baiting Edited Video of Gun Owners at Obama Event


Santelli on NBC/CNBC Obama-Propaganda Rips Media for Ignoring 9/12


MSNBC Suggests Covering Van Jones is Waste of Time
