Monday, September 21, 2009

Barack Obama: In His Own Words: Sep 21st (Glenn)

Transcipt, Charts and Video


"How about the funding for ACORN?"
"Frankly its not something that I've followed closely, I didn't even know ACORN was getting a lot of federal funding."-Barack Obama

.:: Glenn::. Tonight I've decided to ask the President some questions and use the answers that hes already given because he is not giving anything new...I hear people say, he ran as a centrist and now he is not governing that way...I maintain that Obama told us absolutely everything that he was going to do and he still is, every step of the way. People just didn't listen, they only heard what they wanted to hear.

"I have not said that I was a single payer supporter because frankly, we historically, have had an employer-based system in this country with private insurers and for us to transition to a single payer system, I believe would be too disruptive."- Barack Obama

.::Me::. So he is not for a single payer system not because its
fundamentally bad, but because its too "disruptive"?

.::Glenn::. Well what I happen to know is that a few years ago Obama said this...

"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer, universal health care plan...A single payer health care plan--universal health care plan. That's what I'd like to see." - Barack Obama to the AFL-CIO in 2003

.::Video::.Portions Shown

.::Video::. Tides Center Rep talking about how a we will move towards the single payer system without being so disruptive.


Here are a couple other blog posts on the Soros-Obama Connection:
Little Green Footballs

.::Glenn::. Is it even feasible to have this number of marxist, radicals, anti-capitalist etc near him?.... Maybe the President is blind to character? Maybe the President is part of the problem? Maybe the President is in danger because no one is vetting these people? Is the FBI even showing up for work? That's for you to decide. But You won't be able to decided if the people the President grants interviews too only ask him insipid shallow questions over and over and over again...

Obama's favorite line when deflecting questions is...Bush look at that guy.
Bush had czars too!
...Yeah some people were yelling back then too and I have the archives to prove how much I was yelling at that guy. But Bush's czars didn't have the radical ideology many of these people do...
He will say that Bush started us down the path down socialism...and he would be right by that.
Bush started the crazy spending
...he'd be right again....
Bush started the bailouts...yes he did, hated him for it.

My question to President Obama would be um, I'm sorry, is this just Bush's third term? Are you continuing all of his policies?

....Anyone out there who voted for Obama should be asking themselves, jeeze did I misunderstand that President because I thought he believed in change? Or was it that he misunderstood me?

We should have seen this coming before his first day in office when he said this, "We are 5 days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America"-Barack Obama

.::Paraphrasing Glenn::. Obama has been compared to FDR, Kennedy, Lincoln, is that because people are afraid to just look at him? Why is no one making him talk about his mentor- Frank Marshal Davis- a radical communist? Do you still care lessons from your mentor with you? Is it reasonable to ask what part of Davis he carries around with him? No one is looking at his college years. Look at what he says about his associations in college.

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminist and punk-rock performance poets." - Barack Obama, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

.::Glenn::. "I hate to keep bring up the past but we have to ask. He chose his friends carefully back then, the question is does he choose his advisors closely now."

Video: Van Jones talking about Redistributing Wealth

.::Glenn::. That sounds radical to most Americans but listen to what our own President says

"The Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth...The tragedies of the civil rights movement was , um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers though which you bring about redistributive change." - Obama on Chicago Public Radio, 2001

.::Paraphrasing Glenn::. Are we listeneing American?? Because he is telling us that we have dismissed the community organizers...ACORN, Tides, SEIU, Apollo etc... that can put together the coalition that can bring about change...


Barack Obama on ACORN

"How about the funding for ACORN?" George Stephanopoulos
"Frankly its not something that I've followed closely, I didn't even know ACORN was getting a lot of federal funding."-Barack Obama
"Well the Senate and the House have voted to cut it off." George Stephanopoulos
"Ya know, what I know is what I saw in that video was certainty inappropriate and deserves to be.."
-Barack Obama
"So your not committing to cutting off federal funding?" George Stephanopoulos
"George this is not the biggest issue facing the country, its not something I'm paying a lot of attention too."
-Barack Obama

"Before I even get inaugurated, were going to be calling all of you in to help us shape the agenda. Were going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations [ACORN] so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America"- Barack Obama

.::paraphrasing Glenn::. Obama also closely tied to SEIU, which ACORN founder Wade Rafky is also closely tied too...

"I've spent my entire adult life working with SEIU. I'm not a newcomer to this. I didn't just suddenly discover SEIU..."-Barack Obama

.::Glenn::. Then there is Ameri-Cor, or is it Ameri-Cor. I'm not really sure what the president is describing here.

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the nation security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force thats just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."-Barack Obama

.::Glenn::. Really, why do we need that?

"Ive been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran project vote voter registration drive in Illinois, when I ran project vote voter registration drive in Illinois, ACORN was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciated your work." -Sam Graham-Felsen, Ran Obama's Campaign Blog


.::Glenn::. Just past week he has raised the possibility of amnesty and citizenship for the 20 million people who are already here illegally.

"If someone is here illegally they won't be covered under this plan. That's a commitment I've made. But I also want to make this clear. Even though I don't believe we can extend coverage to those that are here illegally, I don't believe that we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken.......If anything this debate underscores necessity for passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all." - Barack Obama

Obama and ACORN

Guest: John Fund, Author, Stealing Elections, The Wall Street Journal

.::Glenn::. He didnt know they were getting federal funding?
.::Fund::. It's curious because ACORN has gotten federal funding throughout his existence and he has a long hisotry of working with ACORN. He was a trainer for them in Chicago and a lawyer for them. I suspect at some point ACORN paid him, I suspect some of that was federal funds.

.::Note::. ABC was the ONLY Network
to ask President Obama about ACORN

.::Fund::. Obamas campaign spend over $800,000 with an ACORN affiliate to get out the vote. Voter registration...and the money was categorized and reported to Federal Election Commission as staging and lighting....Then they corrected themselves when they got caught by a Pittsburg paper. So the Obama campaign was not particularaly eager to have people know that they were hiring a ACORN affiliate to help with voter registration.

.::Fund::. Its strange because throughout his career he has been proud of being affiliated with ACORN....He knew everything about and now he knows nothings about ACORN makes me think something is there...All I know is that he is retrieting from ACORN faster than a speeding bullet.

.::Fund::. He just refered to the conduct as inappropriate, I think almost anyone would have used a stronger word.

.::Note::. Then attorney Barack Obama
represented ACORN in Lawsuit in 1995


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