Friday, August 7, 2009

Chick Chat: Townhall Control

I ran out today for an errand and caught about 10 minutes of the Schnitt Show on Talk Radio. It was a guest host so I didn't get to listen to the wonderful sarcasm of the usual host, but what did catch my attention was a report about town hall meetings.

In Tampa there was a town hall meeting where anti-health care reformers (who were there an hour early) were not allowed to enter while union workers were walking in freely and having pre-made signs given to them so that they could hold them up while sitting in their reserved seating section. Along with the posters they were given dum dum lollipops so that they could wave them any conservative that manged to sneak there way in to talk. Of course you won't hear about this in the mainstream media, most of these details came from a woman who snuck in super early with the pretense of being pro-health care reform.

All I can say is, for democracy's sake! What has happened to our freedom of speech. I was under the impression that these town hall meetings were for voicing opinions and expressing thoughts about obamacare from multiple viewpoints. Unfortunately it seems that it is all about the Democrats controlling the discussion in their favor! (Not to mention making the anti-obamacare crew seem like complete and utter crazies!)

I can't decided if the democrats are scared or just really that warped in the brain to think that all these people expressing concern about health care are "ultra conservatives", "right-wing radicals", "mobs of Nazi-era adherents"etc. Now I'm not to great with math, but lets look back here for a moment....... back in the Fall, Obama won with 52% of the popular vote. Now 86% of Americans are happy with their health care and feel threatened by a public option. By my calculation that would mean that 34% of Obama supporters are ultra conservative right wing radical mobs of Nazi-era adherents. A+B=C, B-C=A right? Well something like that! (I'm sure Mrs. Benson would have something to say about that...)

Yet another alarming meeting took place just a few days ago. AARP had a meeting with its members about the health care reform and people were so outraged and expressing such dissatisfaction with AARP's stance that they simply decided to cancel the meeting. (Click here for video) I am so proud of all those that stayed on and continued the meeting without the AARP representatives. They calmly discussed the health care issues, shared stories and ultimately tips on how to not support AARP.

Just so we are clear on this, for all those youngsters out there, who like me believed AARP was an insurance/event organizer for older people , you're wrong!!! AARP is a lobbying group and very often, lobby's for anti-elderly things. Dale Van Atta from the LA Times (not exactly a conservative newspaper) wrote that "AARP does unauthorized lobbying for its membership, and lobbies against the best interests of its membership. Van Atta says that by lobbying Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act, AARP leaders betrayed the membership."

Now the Tampa and AARP meetings weren't even that bad compared to what happened in St. Louis. At another town hall meeting in St. Louis a black man was standing outside passing out Don't Tread on Me Flags when a union worker (note: all union workers were identified bc of their shirts) came up and started calling him "racial" names. (Wonder what Obama would say about that?) He then proceed to punch him and along with several other union workers proceeded to beat the guy up.

Now, they are claiming that the conservatives are the mobs and disrupting these town hall meetings but its simply not true--just like so many other things. But what can we do when the people in charge are making themselves the martyrs? What can we do when the leaders are blatantly lying, manipulating and corrupting public opinion for personal gain?

Both of the meetings featured people from both sides of the aisle trying to express themselves some in more peaceful ways than others. I would call it unfortunate that so many "anti" voices were silenced but in reality it is more than unfortunate, it is alarming! If our government is trying to silencing the outcries of our people then the end is not near, it is here.

This battle about health has quickly turned into a first amendment nightmare. Now, as an outraged American citizen whose grandparents, parents, nephews, future children etc. will be adversely affected by this socialist health care scheme I can only ignore these damaging tactics the Democrat's are using. Whether they are purposely trying to draw attention to another matter or are simply praying that the anti-obamacare crowd gets intimidated....we must continue on as a united front. We must stay on topic, be peaceful, more mindful and clever than the corruption that threatens our nation everyday now.

Town Hall Turns Violent
Democrats Liken Health Care Reform to Nazis
Health Care Debate Shifting Focus

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