Monday, August 24, 2009

Fox Flashback: Aug 24th (O'Reily)


Talking Points Commentary
  • President on vacation in Martha's Vineyard staying at a $35,000-a-week estate. Reportedly they are paying for most of it using his book money.
Obama's Approval Rating
28% Strongly Approving
40% Strongly Disapproving

Rasmussen Report
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
August 24, 2009

  • Forcing the people to buy something could be unconstitutional say scholars.


Guest: Jamie Floyd, Former WH Fellow Under First Lady Hillary Clinton
  • Eric Holder, US Attorney General to "appoint a special prosecutor to examine allegations that terror suspects were abused at the hands of their CIA interrogators."
  • President Obama on record saying he does not want to prosecute and investigate CIA members.
  • They are looking to see if there is enough evidence to investigate.

The Back of the Book
  • The functionally retarded adults, the racists, with their cries of "I want my country back." You know what they're really saying is "I want my white guy back." What apparently had no problem at all the last 8 year with habeas corpus being suspended, the Constitution being s*** on, illegal surveillance, being lied into a war or two, and two stolen elections - yes, the John Kerry one was stolen too.
Jeneane Garofalo, August 21, 2009
Washington DC.


On a personal note, I was going to say that I was going to boycott anything with Jeneane Garofalo in it but seeing how she is a D-list celebrity I don't really have to worry too much about running into her in movies, shows etc. So while she is on my don't watch list, well I just don't have to worry too much about her left wing, radical commentary.
Also, I didn't cover much of O'Reily tonight because I didn't think there was too much going on. He talked about binge drinking in young women and the White House's "thin-skinned" attitude towards Fox News.

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