Monday, August 10, 2009

Fox Flashback: August 10th (Hannity and O'Reily)

Here are some highlights from The O'Reily Factor and Hannity

The O'Reily Factor

It is undeniable that people are staring to realize that most of the media aka CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc are extremely liberal and totally biased. Fox news has gained a tremendous amount of support from conservatives in the past but it seems that moderates and perhaps, dare I say it, some liberals are starting to realize the hazards of a government influenced biased media source.

Factor Victory
8 PM Time Slot
August 6, 2009

Margin of Victory:
CNN 380%
MSNBC 247%
Headline News 299%

I was wondering why CNN had such a large margin of victory. While MSNBC, which I consider the most liberal and biased stations of all, had a smaller margin. After some consideration however I realize that the extreme liberals watch MSNBC and must still consider FOX the conservative biased network. While CNN attracted more moderate viewer. This is a nice realization that more Americans seem to be moderate perhaps.

The O'Reily Factor, Total Audience August 6, 2009 = 5.4 million CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, Avg Audience July 2009 = 5.368 Million
Glenn Beck (5 pm), Shepard Smith (6 pm), Greta van Susteren (10 pm) and the Factor (8 pm) beat all four competitors combined.

  • Dan Rather says that Obama needs to clean up the media. He wants a presidential panel to monitor the news and come up with solutions.
This is absolutely insane to me! Well, it really is not because Dan Rather is incredibly liberal but it is insane to think that the government should be regulating the media.

Let me ask you a questions? It illegal to smoke marijuana but people do it anyways right? Even if you don't agree that it should be illegal, is smoking pot still the wrong thing to do? If you didn't answer YES then maybe your hiding your bowl right now...

So lets play the rational game here. The government is already controlling the media in so many respects, just take a look at the media coverage for the 2008 election. There are those out there that believe the government should control the media, why? Because it benifits thier viewpoints. But just because those things are happeneing doesn't mean its right. (Nothing about that is "right"!)

  • Bernie Goldberg author of the book "A slobbering Love Affair" claiming that word of mouth is why fox is growing. "views should be repected in the media even if its not being reflected"

As a guest today Bill had David Cerner, AARP Legislative Policys Director.
  • O'Reily first showed the youtube video of the AARP meeting where the representatives left (reference the youtube videos on lower left hand corner)
  • He then asked Cerner the questions about the memo that Nancy Pelosi drafted saying that AARP was partnering to sponser the bill. Cerner wouldn't comment on a memo citing ignorance and calling the letters existence into question. . "I don't believe that memo every came out" then later "as I understand that was a draft memo and when the final memo came out AARP was not included in that memo. Cerner simply kept repeating that they work with both sides of the asile.
  • O'Reily proceeded to present the information that Barry Rand, AARP's CEO gave Obama 9 million dollars.
  • Cerner on rationing of care: We would reject that idea. We would not support a system where there is a government take over. There should be choices between public and private.
Bill really seemed to be putting the pressure on this man to veer away from the talking points and give him a straight answer.

  • University of Oregon- Liberal Professors outnumber Conservative Professors 14 to 1
  • Woman in Oregon walks around naked and Police say there is nothing illegal about that.

IMPORTANT FACT: In Oregon there is a state run health care system. In 2006 Barbara Wagner, a 64 yr old universal health care recipient was diagnosed with lung cancer. She was refused the drug she needed for treatment because it was too expensive and was instead offered the $50 euthanasia option, also legal in Oregon. Barbara Wagner died from lung cancer.

"The bottom line in Health Care Reform is the bottom line"

  • On one of NBC News shows a commentator talks about "right wing gun clinging Americans"- "There is a whole public out there stocked up on ammunition because they were afraid it would be taken away from them. I want to see what Fox News and Glenn Beck would say the day after one of those people go out and hurts the President or Congress"
Really! I would like to see what NBC would have said if someone goes out there and hurts Sarah Palin. Would they be responsible for increasing the liberal public hate for her.
  • Palin talks about death panels and grandparents and trig being put to back of line
  • Howard Dean- euthanasia is not in this bill
  • Cynthia tucker Atlanta Journal Constitution: "45-46% of people appearing at these townhalls are people that would be never be happy with a black president"
WSJ reporting that Illegal Aliens will be reported and considered the same as us citizens in census. meaning that there will be more reps in the border towns.



Health Care Townhall Meeting Videos
John Dingell, Aug 6th ,Michigan
Tom Harkin , Aug 8th, Des Moines, IA

At this point Obamcare protesters have been called...
  • un-American
  • Nazi sympathizers
  • Tim Mcvey sympathizers
  • Organized Mobsters
  • Brown Shirts
  • Political Terrorist

"Drowning out opposing views is simply un-american"-Pelosi

  • Dick Morris commenting on Health Care Reform Townhall Meeting (paraphrasing) "These old people are not the 18 year olds we saw during Carter. These are people that had to get up with their canes and make an effort to protest. I think they will try to ram this down the Americans throat with the 50 throats but if you can get all of these red state dem to see red then we have a chance. there is a chance if they are seeing the elderly turn to an anti-Obama group they will not push this through."
  • estimates that the actual number of jobs lost last month is closer to 600,000 as opposed to 200,000 that Obama cited. This is due to the fact that in the summer months jobs are added.
  • People who stopped looking for jobs were taken out of the unemplyment numbers, these people are called the discouraged unemployed.
  • Unemployment in the ages 16-19 is at 23%.
  • The deficit grew by 189 billion in July. Now the White House is asking Congress to increase debt limits.
  • China holds 800 billion in US bonds
  • Hannity had J Mark Campbell, cameraman from the Thursday, Tampa, townhall meeting where Union workers worked as security guards outside the doors and proheathcare constituents were set up in the front of the auditorium.
Great American Panel...
on Townhall Meetings
  • People are ignorant to think that people just go there. They were called down and organized. You would pick the most compassionate people as well.
  • This health care system is collapsing under its own weight!
  • This is about control- government jumping in and taking control of individual lives and people do not want to let them
One word for Bob Beckle- bull. You are full of it! I am an American that has never been contacted by any organization. I would attend one of these meeting the minute I find out about one. The minute that one of my Senators decides that he has the nerve to face his employers and take the heat. And we all know there is plenty of heat in Florida.

On the 500 million they want to spend on airplanes...
  • Congress approval rating 30% and they wonder why?
  • Bob Beckle says its bad timing and should be taken off the table and it will be forgotten by next week
On what we gave to N.Korea for the two journalist...
  • Now the US admin will hold talks with N.Korea.
  • Kim Jun is sick and trying to give his son the government and will use the US talks as a confirmation of his power.
  • Bob Beckle blames the Bush administration for not doing anything before
  • Others on panel say that Obama admin must take responsibility for what is going on now...and stop looking to the past.

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