Friday, August 21, 2009

Whole Foods CEO Attacked When Exercising 1st Amendment Rights


Check out the discussion Greta has about the Whole Foods boycotts.

As reported earlier this week the CEO of Whole Foods wrote an op-ed against the Obamacare plan providing his own solution to the admitted health care problem. Subsequently people have been organizing a boycott against Whole Foods.

Greta featured a woman who started a group on Facebook called I SUPPORT MR. JOHN MACKEY and WHOLE FOODS, INC. on the program to combat the ignorance of the protest organizer who was also a guest. Click below for the clip of the show.

Food Fight

The interaction between the man and Greta is wonderful! The organizer (who is supposedly a lawyer) calls Mr. Mackey a bad person and claims public option is the only solution. Greta counters with astonishment and confusion as to how he can claim to have the only right opinion and judges someone because they used thier first amendment rights. Its great!!

What can you do? Join the group on Facebook (if you have it) and make sure to let Whole Foods know how you feel by sending your local store an email.

You can also show your support by adding a comment to Mr. Mackey's blog post about he subject.


  1. It is disgusting that people would boycott Whole Foods simply because Mr. Mackey voiced his opinion. And what was the "horror" of that opinion? He had the nerve to disagree with Obama! I bet Mr. Mackey voted for Obama, but God forbid that he should not go blindly toward the Kool-aid of Obamacare. I probably disagree with Mr. Mackey's politics on a lot of levels, but this has made me WANT to support his business. In spite of the poor economy and a desire to save my food dollars, you better believe I will be going to Whole Foods more, not less.

  2. Thank you for your support on this issue. Be sure to keep spreading the word.

