Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Disregard for Protocol? the Obama Admin? NEVER!

Van Jones Did Not Fill Out White House Questionnaire
by Major Garrett

Apparently the White House didn't have Van Jones fill out the necessary paper work to become a Cabinet-level, secretary-level member. What a surprise! NOT.

C'mon people, seriously! Are we really that moronic to think that they didn't know these things about him. Some of the comment I've been seeing have really been frustrating. Of course, the White House hasn't been vetting these people. If they had been properly and procedurally processed, there are so many questionable things that there is no way half of them would have made it into a basic CIA/FBI position, let alone a high ranking position in the White House.

I had a friend who applied for a job with the FBI, a basic entry level position. The paper work that she had to fill out was extraordinary. The amount of contacts she had to give, ridiculous. She worked for my mother for a couple weeks like 4 years before she applied for the job and she had to put her on the application. Then the FBI contacted my mother and came to our house to interview her about this girl.
And your telling me that they didn't know this man is a communist. Your telling me that they didn't know that he thought the government allowed 9-11 to happen. C'mon!

This article says, "It wouldn't be fair to characterize him as being dishonest or hiding his comments or his positions," the official said. "It's just fair to say that he didn't go through the most rigorous vetting process." So right, your telling me basically that you chose to not research this man's background? Wow.....Wow. Well, most of America didn't take the time to research our President so I guess its okay that the President didnt take the time to "research" his appointees.

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