Saturday, September 12, 2009

March of Washington, Hundreds of Thousands of Patriots

I've never been surrounded by so many people and felt so safe! I've never been around so many American's and felt so proud! I've never been so encouraged! Today was such an amazing experience! It was a monumental moment in our fight against government waste, fraud, corruption, control...etc

I have to say that this March on Washington was not even remotely about a group of "sore losers" (as the Huffington Post claimed) expressing their racist and bi-partisan views. While there I heard and saw discontent about overall spending, fundamental changes, control and the corrupt agendas of the Obama's administration. I didn't hear or see, anything or anyone saying or carrying racial slurs. I even saw a poster with the words "Faces of Fascism" sprawled across it and pictures that included Obama's face alongside Bush's. This wasn't about Obama being elected, it wasn't some racist attempt to harm the was all about claiming our rights as American's to disagree with the govenment.

From the moment we left our hotel room we started seeing the protesters. On the metro, men gave up their seat to women/children/elderly while people sang God Bless America. The metro stops were packed and people continues to cheer, chant and sing as they exited the buildings. When I was on Pennsylvania Avenue there was a SEA of people! I have no words to descirbe the amount of people'll have to wait for the pictures.

The people were so nice, so polite, so friendly that I felt like everyone was someone I had already met! We marched all the way down Pennsylvania Avenue and gathered on the lawns of the Capitol building. My estimate would be somewhere around 750,000 to 1,200,000 people....don't pay attention to the media, look at the pictures and videos and make your own judgement about how many were there!

We walked around for a while, and then pulled out our blanket and sat on the lawn listening to the speakers. Which I must admit, I didn't see once! You could at least hear the speakers from where I was, but not see them. There were some people that couldn't hear very much but that was a blessing since it meant that the protest was a lot bigger than even the organizers imagined!

My mother and I met countless people from Maryland, South/North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, California, Washington State, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and I know there were a lot more states represented!

I'm trying to get the pictures up as sooon as I can, I have a couple hundred so its taking me a little longer to get an album of some sort going. In the meantime, I'll put up some YouTube vids and article links as they come up.

Michelle Malkin: Celebrating the 9.12 rallies; Turnout est. at 2 million; Update: How many?
Atlas Shrugs: A Failed Presidency...and its only six months...Millions on the Mall

Some of my favorite pics from the day...

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